Estuchados Júcar Sobres de azúcar personalizados Estuchados Júcar Sobres de azúcar personalizados


Who are we ?

Estuchados Júcar is a small familiar compagny placed in Albacete which principal activity is the packaging and customization of sugar's packets for hotel and catering business with more than 25 years of experience in the sector.

What do we do ?

Beside making sugar's packets personalized for spanish restaurants, bars and coffee, we also distribute other products for the hotel sector as sweetener, stevia, coffee, cocoa, tea, infusions, napkins and different types of sugar for use in pastry shop, confectionery and the food industry.


  1. Contact

    Put in touch with us and tell us what you need.

  2. Budget

    When we know what you need, we will look for the best option and will send you an estimate.

  3. Sketch

    In 24/48 hours we will send your sketch in order that you check it.

  4. Preparation

    Once confirmed the payment, we begin to prepare your order that will be ready in a term from 5 to 7 days.

  5. Sending

    The sending is in the habit of being late between 48 and 72 hours, depending of the date and your localization.

Frequent Questions

Here we try to give response to the common questions of our clients, but if you do not find what you are looking for or have any other question do not hesitate to put in touch with us!

I want to personalize sugar's envelopes : What is the minimum order quantity ?

In principle there are no minimum orders, every client has a few different needs, but to compensate printing and transport costs and to obtain a competitive price always we advise orders from 25.000 units.

How long does an order put to arrive?

Normally an order is late between 5 and 10 days from the confirmation of the sketch until you receive it. If for any motive you need it before speech with us and we will try to advance it.

-Impression of sugar's packets

If you want to personalize the sugar for your business or event you must consider that normally the flexografy is in use as system of printing. If you do not know this system of printing you must know the number of colors you need, because every color needs a plate of photopolymer and this can put up the price of your order.

Normally all the orders lower than 100.000 units are stamped on 1 or 2 colors.

Kinds of paper

Normally we work with 3 types of paper, later we explain you the most important qualities of each one.

  • Cellulose : this paper is the most economically and at the same time the most respectful with the environment. Because of it , it is the most used for hotel and catering business.

  • Kraft : this paper is of identical characteristics that the cellulose paper but with the particularity of his brown color that gives it this ancient touch that so much pleases.

  • Estucado : This paper takes an exterior cap of paraffin that makes it a bit most expensive but also it gives thickness to the paper and a major sheen to the printing. Thus, it’s the most recommended for advertising and events.

How many grams contains a sugar's packet ?

Most common sugar’s enveloppe take 8 grams, but according to the preferences of every client we can pack envelopes of sugar from 7 grams up to 10 grams.

Means of payment

All payments are realized by bank transfer to the confirmation of the order. As soon as you have received the definitive sketch and everything approved, we will send the invoice and our number of account in order that you realize the payment and let’s be able start preparing your order as soon as possible.


  • Pepe Pruebas 3 655555555

    Friday January 24th, 2025

    Hola Pepe, Espero que te encuentres bien. Gracias por ponerte en contacto= con Estuchados J=C3=BAcar. Nos complace saber que est=C3=A1s interesado en= nuestros productos para tu bar. Para poder ofrecerte un presupuesto = ajustado a…

  • Pepe pruebas 655877475

    Friday January 24th, 2025

    Hola Pepe, Espero que te encuentres bien. Gracias por contactarte con = Estuchados J=C3=BAcar. Nos alegra que est=C3=A9s interesado en nuestros = sobres de az=C3=BAcar personalizados para tu bar. Para poder ofrecerte un = presupuesto…

  • (Español) Como se fabrican los sobres de azúcar.

    Tuesday January 12th, 2016

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

  • Aviso legal

    Saturday November 14th, 2015

    Bienvenido al sitio web propiedad de Estuchados Júcar S.L., con domicilio social en Albacete, Parque Empresarial Campollano Calle C, Nº6 Nave 36, 02007 Albacete, Teléfono: 967 24 21 24. inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Albacete, Tomo…


Years Experience


Our Work


Sugar's Packets




Parque Empresarial Campollano, Calle C, Nº 6, Nave 36
02007 - Albacete, España

+34 967 24 21 24